Jitume Lab
Learning Centre

JitumeIs a bundled program that takes care of the main challenges facing the citizens regarding taking advantage of digital opportunities. The challenges range from access to digital devices and internet connectivity, training, and knowledge as well as opportunities that can result in decent and dignified income. It encourages the youth to take it upon themselves Jitume to access digital devices and opportunities to learn, become certified on skills for the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR) and to access digital job. After Swahilipot was equipped with 50 desktop computers by Jitume Labs, it opened up new possibilities, especially in skill-sharing, attracting many young individuals eager to learn despite their lack of skills.
Benefits to the Community:
- Leveraged community expertise and partnerships with local organizations to facilitate learning across various backgrounds.
- Offered interactive workshops, hands-on training, and mentorship programs to help participants gain new skills and explore their interests.
- Enhanced practical knowledge and technical skills, promoting collaboration, creativity, and innovation, and fostering a vibrant learning ecosystem within the community.